Lending a hand - with Meredith Bernard

It’s funny how sometimes you have all the right tools in front of you ... but can’t seem to figure out which one is the right size for the job until you literally go through them all ... getting frustrated because you can’t find the “right one” - yea. That was me.

Merdi & Me at the Skruch during Rural Rooted - 9.18.21

Merdi & Me at the Skruch during Rural Rooted - 9.18.21

Maybe all it took was a helping hand to reach for the right one?!

This past weekend I left the farm with one goal in mind: meet one of my “inspirations”. What I took home - was so much more!

I did indeed meet Merdi. But what I gained from this retreat with some pretty amazing women was so much more than I ever knew I needed.

I needed a community. I needed to refill my empty water jug. I needed to focus really on me. And that’s something I rarely do. Taking time to find out what makes me tick.... what fuels my soul.

A lending hand & hug was what all started this more refreshed “Me”. Utilizing what tools I already had stashed away in an ever growing toolbox.... losing sight of the 9/16ths wrench (ME) that’s always needed!

Get Rural Rooted with Natalie Kovarik - click the image to learn more!

Get Rural Rooted with Natalie Kovarik - click the image to learn more!

I gained so much from this little skurch in a beautiful town. I gained a new VOICE of empowerment... I refound my purpose in the agricultural world I love. I grew outside of the box I’d created for myself. I have fallen in love with a new direction.... all thanks to some amazing women who decided to lend a hand.

I am #ruralrooted & I am so excited to be showing back up with the right tools for the job, thank you Meredith for the warm hug & shoulder that started this whole process 💚

#farmHer #agriculture #myfarmstory #voiceinagriculture #womenempoweringwomen #ag #agvocate #staycalmandbaleon #farminglife #passion #fuelyoursoul #purpose #followyourdreams #wieczorekfarms


Stay Calm and Bale on!

Kayla Wieczorek

First Generation Female Farmer sharing the passion of agriculture


The New Farm Wife?!?!


His & hers … make ours!