Power in community …

Power in Community 

They say there’s power in numbers … but what about community?! What about a small group of outstanding ladies backing you & cheering you along?! 

What if all we needed was a handful of people to root us & pick you back up?! It’s crazy to me that having a certain “amount of followers or subscribers” is what the worlds coming to… how many hearts and likes and views we can get each time we share a part of us …

And yes for a very long time over the last year…. I found myself DOING that same thing. Basin my experiences and my life on silly little things - sure. Having a following is wonderful. Having growth is awesome - but what’s it all mean?! 

Are we doing it for the right purpose?!?

I almost stopped. I almost quite doing it the same week I re-applied (YES RE-APPLIED ….) to #RuralRooted … before I got on that plane ✈️ I had one goal in mind (outside of hugging Meredith) to figure out how to grow my Darn YouTube channel. I mean I was going to hang out with one of the most amazing ladies in the FarmTube world right?!?! 

Guess what - nearly a month later. And the YT numbers haven’t really changed much. I haven’t really changed much at all over there … except for a few tweaks to the name & “about me” section … 

These amazing ladies helped me redefine my purpose in the #agriculture world - I am not just a silly #youtuber … because I’ve come to hate the term. YouTube doesn’t pay the bills at the end of the day. It might for the CFW changes I’ve been making. But our HAY business is what keeps things running… 

These amazing ladies all have stories to share in the Ag World. We are all doing our best to teach & educate in our own ways … I shouldn’t ( AND NEITHER SHOULD YOU!!!) Be worried about what another woman is doing & thriving at. How in the world have we come to a point where we scald down a woman for being happy?!?! For doing what sets her heart on fire?!? For succeeding?!? And being darn proud of that?? How is it that we’ve come to such an age in life - that we aren’t clapping her along the way?!? 

Visit their profiles - drop them a shoutout & high five 🖐🏻 them for the awesome shit their doing to change the world 🌎 

Kayla Wieczorek

First Generation Female Farmer sharing the passion of agriculture


Stormin through life …


Farm focus reneWed …