The Why?!?!
I spend so much of my days in a tractor ... between my mowing one and the baler tractor ... and before anyone says red over green .. I drive both. One of each. And each serves their purpose jus fine ...
But it had me thinking about many things over the weekend ... We all have days … days where we don’t want to show up. Get up. Be there. … even in a job or life we love. We all have days where it’s hard. Hard to wake up. Hard to find the why behind it all …
But what about the WHY. What about the passion?! What about ALLL THE GOOD DAYS … isn’t that why we show up? Isn’t that why we love what we do. The 340 GOOD days out of the fifteen or so that could be bad?!?
Are you struggling with your why?!
Because I’ll be honest. I am … I am wondering “why” Gods lead me down this path. Why I went through different struggles and heartache and pain … and lessons to get me HERE at this point RIGHT NOW.
What’s my Why?? Why am I even sharing? Why am I even taking the hours to spend doing all the extra work … that I could be doing something else ..
And therefor. … that’s why I spent countless tears and prayers and time on an application. To find my why. Even after being turned down. Even after not hitting submit for sever months because I didn’t feel like I was “good enough” … after doing it at least 25 times and many conversations of jus “why am I wasting my time” … to be….
There’s a why behind it all … and I can’t wait to dig deeper into mine at the September #ruralrooted retreat with natalie kovarik and so many other amazing ladies learning their why too.
#wieczorekfarms #farmher #womeninag #agvocate #agriculture #shareyourstory #myfarmstory #johndeere #hay #farm365