i am … the voice .. the Voice of CFW - the voice of Ag!

I am ..

I am a Farmer’s Daughter .. I am a Farmer’s Wife .. Farm Mom but also…

THE FarmHer .. and to be quite honest .. I might not of liked that “H” in there .. but i’ve come to realize .. I am SO much more Than just a Female Farmer… I am a Farm”HER” … I am leading the way .. paving brick .. showing up .. I am a voice in the agriculture industry .. I have a Voice and I am going to be shouting it from the tops of green grass… or at least until winter hits .. then it’ll be snow covered hills maybe .. who knows with Missouri Winters.

I am … so many things ..

It was mentioned that “ no wonder farm wives get in a tizzy” about how we are labeled .. the thing is .. I don’t mind being a Farmer’s Wife - Hence the whole “Chronicles of a Farmer’s Wife” title .. I AM a Farmers Wife — I was the farmers daughter .. but now .. now I am also the Farm Momma and FarmHer inside itself .. It’s evolved over the last decade ….

And there’s nothing wrong with one title or the other .. I don’t look down at myself because I can’t keep a clean tidy house like most “farm wives” but I also don’t judge those “farm wives” that only do the field meal drops and riding in the buddy seat either …

Farming TAKES US All!!!!

And for that I AM ENOUGH .. and so are YOU!

The blog posts have also evolved over the times .. many were wrote over the last few years - as the farmers wife - seeing things through MY eyes .. it’s never been about any thing other than that … the Youtube Channel .. seeing things through my eyes (aka the lenses of the camera) .. its all how I see things most days ..

I am .. I am Voice Behind CFW …

Kayla Wieczorek

First Generation Female Farmer sharing the passion of agriculture


This Is the pits: Corn SiLage saga day 1

