This Is the pits: Corn SiLage saga day 1

Literally the pits …. pits of stress and everything in between!

We started corn silage exactly a week ago. It was always something I LOVED doing - as a child growing up. I’d chase around behind my dad and grandpa brooks just waiting for a ride along. I loved hunting for lost corn cobs that didn’t hit the wagons. It was playing in the “corn-feti” & watching the feed lot cattle get all excited as the wagons would dump into the silos - it was the smells and maybe the fact that my dad showed up when we broke the silage chopper on the very first round that really brought the whole “childhood” memory back.

but that’s as far as it went - because doing silage as the tractor driver & spouse. wasn’t as exciting as I remembered as a kid …. I realized right quick. And the hard way. Dumping on the go - was NOT my thing. Too bad though because I had to work through it the next two days …

I already had a feeling at 9am it was going to be a bit overwhelming ….

I already had a feeling at 9am it was going to be a bit overwhelming ….

Ryder was enjoying the extra tractor time with momma

Ryder was enjoying the extra tractor time with momma

Let the “corn-fetti” fly!!!!

Let the “corn-fetti” fly!!!!

Kayla Wieczorek

First Generation Female Farmer sharing the passion of agriculture

The New “cfW” has arrived ..


i am … the voice .. the Voice of CFW - the voice of Ag!