we’re rolling … corn stocks?!
Jason & I help with Corn Harvest 2022 at Spencer Creek Farms -
HOld up .. wait a minute .. ROund baling?!
Yep - you sure read that right.. We was ROUND Baling Corn Stocks. Corn Stock bales are used to as bedding and feed for cattle. Tag along for more fun as I get to jump around different John Deeres for the 2 days we helped our friends out!
Spencer Creek Farms & Beef
Learn more!
Spencer Creek Farms & Beef can be found locally grown in Missouri - check out Bryan & Sarah Evans personal website as well as on Facebook and their own cute Ol Country Store too!!
Rolling Corn Stocks with a McHale Baler
Jump in the seat of whatever tractor or skid loader I am in … and tag along for a fun few days doing something different!! Make sure to check out the YouTube channel - and subscribe to never miss out!